Other Common Respiratory Diseases
- Medical Specialities
- Pulmonology & Chest Medicine
- Other Common Respiratory Diseases
Other Common Respiratory Diseases
Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS)
UARS is a condition closely resembling Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), where the relaxation of throat tissues narrows the airway, leading to disrupted sleep and daytime symptoms such as excessive sleepiness. The consequent increase in breathing effort does produce a brief awakening from sleep that is frequently unrecognized by the affected individual, even though the rise in upper airway resistance is insufficient to meet the requirements of the sleep-disordered breathing that defines obstructive sleep apnea. The throat's soft tissue relaxes, narrowing the airway and causing sleep disturbances that impede daytime functioning, including excessive daytime sleepiness. Sleep is hampered by this situation repeating itself throughout the night, much like obstructive sleep apnea.
Although they might not be as severe, UARS symptoms are often comparable to those of OSA. Individuals who have unrefreshing sleep syndrome (UARS) typically complain of snoring, cognitive impairment, and frequent disturbances in sleep.

Although there are various approaches to treating UARS, adult and paediatric patients receive distinct courses of care. The main treatments for this are oral appliances, sleep surgery, and positive airway pressure therapy.
Pneumonia is an infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs. The air sacs may fill with fluid or pus (purulent material), causing cough with phlegm or pus, fever, chills, and difficulty in breathing. A variety of organisms, including bacteria, viruses and fungi, can cause pneumonia.
Pneumonia can range in seriousness from mild to life-threatening. It is most serious for infants and young children, people older than age 65, and people with health problems or weakened immune systems.
Signs and symptoms of pneumonia may include:
Chest pain when you breathe or cough
Confusion or changes in mental awareness (in adults age 65 and older)
Cough, which may produce phlegm
Fever, sweating and shaking chills
Lower than normal body temperature (in adults older than age 65 and people with weak immune systems)
Nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea
Shortness of breath
Early identification of pneumonia is very essential. Xray chest and HRCT chest are key investigations. Throat swab sample for RTPCR is nowadays very useful test particularly for various viral infections to diagnose specific cause. Sputum sample for culture may be useful in selected cases. Selection of antibiotic and antiviral drugs requires expert clinical skills to initiates treatment effectively.
At Zydus we have the best-in-the-State infrastructure to deal with these kind of life-threating conditions. Our expert team of Pulmonologists, advance laboratory support, radiology and endoscopy suite for accurate diagnosis, and Intensive Care and ECMO facilities, are adept in managing seriously-ill patients.
Tuberculosis (TB)
Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection caused by a type of bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis that primarily affects the lungs but can also affect other parts of the body. Like lymph node, bone -spine, brain, intestine, kidney-urinary tract etc. Not everyone infected with the tuberculosis bacterium becomes ill. As a result, there are two TB-related conditions: latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and TB illness. If not treated appropriately, tuberculosis can be lethal.
Symptoms of tuberculosis include fever, weight loss, blood in cough, chest pain, weariness and night sweats. In India any person with history of cough more than 2 weeks should be investigated to rule out TB. Symptoms of TB may differ a lot and depend on which organ is involved. Many TB patients may not exhibit any symptoms depending on which organ is infected.
Patients with the above-mentioned symptoms and a confirmed infection require anti-tuberculosis therapy that consists of several medications. Confirmation for diagnosis of TB is nowadays very essential and TB treatment should not be started based on assumption. Advanced technology like molecular laboratory tests from various samples, advanced radiology, and various semi-invasive techniques like endoscopy or CT/ USG guided procedures have made it easy to confirm diagnosis early and effectively. Anti-tuberculosis treatment should be completed as per expert advice to prevent its recurrence. Drug resistance is not uncommon and that is why every patient should be evaluated for this before starting treatment.
- Complete Overnight Polysomnography (COP)
- COP with CPAP titration
- Limited Sleep Study
- Multiple Sleep Latency Test
- Nocturnal Oxymetry
- Pulmonary function test
- Procedures - bronchoscopy / pleural
- Sleep
- Radiology / lab support
- Respiratory intensive care unit / Isolation
- Spirometry
- Lung Volume including RV, TLC, FRC
- Diffusion Capacity of lung. (DLCO)
- 6-minute walk test
- Pulse Oxymetry
- Pre & post exercise Oxymetry
Interventional Pulmonary Procedures performed at the hospital are:
- Bronchoalveolar Lavage
- Endobronchial Biopsy
- Transbronchial Lung Biopsy
- Transbronchial cryo lung biopsy
- EBUS-Endobronchial ultrasound -FNA
- Transbronchial Needle Aspiration
- Tracheomalacia Study
- Tracheal stenosis dilatation
- Endobronchial tumour debulking: Electrocautery/ Cryo/ Argon Plasma coagulation
- Endobronchial blood clot/ mucus plug removal
- Tracheal Stent Placement
- Tracheobronchial Stenting
- Endobronchial management of bronchopleural fistula/air leak
- Management of Haemoptysis - blood in sputum
- Therapeutic Lung Lavage
- Diagnostic and therapeutic pleural aspiration (Thoracocentesis)
- Placement of various Pleural drain: Intercostal drainage tube, Pigtail, PleurX catheter
- Pleuroscopy for Pleural biopsy and visualisation of Pleura
- Pleuroscopy for Therapeutic pleural drain / deloculation in a case of complicated pleural effusion
- Pleurodesis by various methods
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The Transplant Center of Gujarat
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State-of-the-art 50 bed advanced Dialysis Centre with facilities for CRRT, SLED, HDF and CytoSorb
Highly experienced team of Heart Transplant Surgeons and Cardiologists
State-of-the-art infrastructure with exclusive Cardiac Critical Care Unit, ECMO Facility, Advanced Cath Lab and Left Ventricular Assist Device (artificial heart) Facility
200+ Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplants at hi-tech BMT Unit
Highly experienced Haematologist, Intensivists and BMT-trained Staff, supported by Radiation Oncology Department with TBI treatment

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- Gall Bladder Stones
- Ventral & Inguinal Hernia
- Splenectomy
Dr. Bhavin Patel
Dr. Vishal Soni
Dr. Dhaivat Vaishnav
- Prostatectomy
- Partial & Total Nephrectomy
- Pyeloplasty
Dr. Mukesh Patel
Dr. Kamlesh Patel
Dr. Raj Patel
Dr. Kaustubh Patel
Dr. Prarthan Joshi
- Robotic 3 Stage Esophagectomy
- Thoracic Cancer Surgery
- GI Cancer Surgery
- Pancreatic Surgery
Dr. Mahesh D Patel
Dr. Siddharth Shah
- Hysterectomy
- Myomectomy
- Endometriosis
- Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection
Dr. Raman Patel
Dr. Namita Shah
Dr. Riddhi Shah