Clinical Diagnosis & Health Checkups
- Medical Specialities
- Clinical Diagnosis & Health Checkups
Department of Clinical Diagnosis & Health Checkups
Advanced Technology
Accurate Results
Accelerated Delivery
Accurate diagnostics is the key to better treatment and patient care, that is why at Zydus Hospitals, we offer the power of precision, backed with advanced technology.
Our NABL accredited laboratory offers over 1600 routine and highly advanced diagnostic tests We offer state-of-the-art complete automation in:
Urine analysis

Fully automated dry chemistry system with AI based accurate and fast analysis of results
Department offers a range of rapid identification of infection causing organisms and susceptibility testing for bacteria, fungi and mycobacteria through advanced automated culture and identification systems. Department performs various infectious serology tests identifying bacteria, virus and fungal causes through automated ELISA based assays
Allergy test: Molecular detection-CRD of more than 300 allergens in single test
Advance auto immune profiles
Gene expert
Thromboelastography (TEG) based coagulation analysis
Bone marrow aspiration
Bone marrow biopsy
Fine needle aspiration
NABH accredited blood centre and transfusion medicine services offer round the clock facility with complete solutions to patients in need of blood components, therapeutic apheresis, and advanced immunohaematology tests
Fully automation in Advanced CBC with 45 parameters, ESR, flow cytometric based analysis of urine with 22 parameters & advanced coagulation testing for bleeding disorders are available
Many other routine as well as advanced hematology & clinical pathology tests are available
Expert histopathologist trained in overall as well as organ specific specialization are available full time
24X7 Intraoperative consultation & external review facilites are available fully automated tissue processors and equipment for rapid processing of tissue specimens
Wide range of IHC markers available on fully automated system
Automated system for liquid based cytology preparation for Pap smears, which greatly improves the detection rates of cervical pre-cancer and cancer
Blood is collected from voluntary non remunerated blood donors and friends and family members of patients. Blood donor collection facility with highest level of donor care at the core with automated blood collection monitors, 100% component separation with automated component extractors and storage facility with strict quality control and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Leucodepletion and Irradiation of blood components is also available
Apheresis section is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and centrifugal cell separator equipments. Various apheresis procedures like platelet-apheresis, granulocyte apheresis are being carried out with utmost care of donors
Govt & ICMR approved Laboratory for Covid & Flu RT-PCR testing
Most comprehensive multiplex genetic panels for infectious organisms
Respiratory, Neuro, Gastro panel inhouse available (RT-PCR)
Fully automated SPRCA based immunohematology analyzer
Pre-transfusion compatibility testing with gel-based column agglutination technique
Tests include:
Blood grouping
Antibody screening
Direct and indirect antiglobulin tests
Antibody identification
Antibody titres - (Isoagglutinins ABO & Rh)
Extended red cell antigen
Red cell elution and adsorption tests
Therapeutic procedures such as therapeutic phlebotomy and therapeutic apheresis like plasma exchange, red cell exchange, leucapheresis and plateletapheresis are done

Special Features
- Faster delivery of reports
- Artificial intelligence for error-free & accurate diagnosis
- Six-part differential in CBC with 40 subtests parameters
- Flow cytometry-based urine analysis with 21 subtests parameters for instant diagnosis
Key Features
Department of Laboratory Medicine
- 1600+ Tests
- NABL Accreditation since 2016
- All specialties under one roof
- State of the art technology
- Transplant laboratory tests are available
- 24X7 Home collection facilities at your door step
We also Offer
Executive body profile
Diabetic profile
Fever profile
Osteoporosis profile
Cardiac profile
Thalassemia profile
Infertility profile - Male / Female
Liver scan
Lung screening

Key Packages (For Home Sample Collection)
CBC with advanced parameters
CBC with advanced parameters
HBA1c and RBS
Total lipid profile
Vitamin B12
CBC with advanced parameters
TSH, FT3 and FT4
Lipid profile
Vitamin B12 and D
Uric acid
HBA1c and RBS
Urine RM