Kidney Stone
- Medical Specialities
- Nephrology & Urology
- Kidney Stone
Kidney Stone
Kidney stones are very common in India. The main function of the kidneys is to filter the blood and remove the waste or toxins in the form of urine. When these waste materials assemble at times and don’t get the way out, they start solidifying and creating blocks. They can be as small as grains or can become much bigger. This, in turn, can block the urine flow, and cause infection or damage the kidneys.
The common symptoms of kidney stones are acute pain in the belly or one side of the back, blood in the urine, fever, shivering, nausea, stink in the urine, burning feeling while urination, and more. If one notices any such symptoms, immediate medical help is required.
The usual diagnosis is done through a urine sample, CT Scan, abdominal X-ray, or an ultrasound.
The treatment and cure is possible in such cases.

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