Infertility in Men
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- Nephrology & Urology
- Infertility in Men
Infertility in Men
If conception has not occurred after one year of unprotected intercourse, it may be time to consult a urologist to assess male infertility.
What causes male infertility?
Biological and environmental factors, both can impact fertility. Some possibilities include:
Inability to produce sperm cells
Producing low or poor-quality sperms, or sperms that cannot last long enough to fertilize the egg
Variococles: a condition in which there is the pooling of blood in the testes which increases its temperature, and affects sperm production
Hormonal disorders, diabetes, genetic diseases, and others
Previous trauma to the testes
Being overweight
A history of undescended testicles
Exposure to heavy metals and environmental hazards
Being born with a fertility disorder or having a blood relative with a fertility disorder (Congenital fertility disorders or family history of fertility issues)
Diagnosis and Tests
The Diagnosis begins with a complete physical examination to determine the general state of health and identify any physical problems that may impact fertility. This usually involves:
General physical examination and medical history
Semen analysis- to measure the number of sperms present and look for any abnormalities in the shape (morphology) and movement (motility) of the sperm
The doctor might recommend additional tests such as:
Hormone testing: To assess hormonal imbalances that may impact sperm production
Scrotal ultrasound: To detect varicoceles or other structural issues in the testicles
Specialized sperm function tests to evaluate how well sperm function in fertilization.
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