- Medical Specialities
- ENT & Head and Neck Care
- Audiology
- Excessive and prolonged exposure to noise
- Viral or bacterial infections
- Head injury or head tumours
- Stroke
- Drug abuse
- Heredity
- Age-related hearing loss
- Others' speech may appear mumbled or slurred.
- Difficulty distinguishing high-pitched sounds like "s" or "th."
- Conversations are challenging to understand, particularly in noisy surroundings.
- Men's voices are clearer compared to women's.
- Certain sounds may seem excessively loud and irritating.
- Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) may occur in one or both ears.

- Evaluations for diagnosis, monitoring, conservation, and hearing loss management
- Vestibular and balance assessments
- Rehabilitation services to facilitate using residual or restored hearing
BAHA System
The BAHA or Bone conduction hearing aids are alternative hearing aids for young children and adults with hearing loss who do not tolerate conventional hearing aids.
They amplify sounds via bone conduction or vibrations through the bone of the skull which directly stimulate the cochlea (a small cavity in the inner ear).
These aids help patients with hearing loss caused by:
- Malformation of the ear canal or middle ear
- Infection of the ear canal resulting in chronic draining ears
- Chronic otitis media
- Congenital atresia
- Cholesteatoma
- Middle ear dysfunction/disease
- Sudden hearing loss
- Acoustic neuroma
- Meniere’s disease
- Single-sided deafness
It is best to consult an ENT specialist if one notices any of the symptoms mentioned above.
Other Audiological Tests:
- Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA)
- Impedance Audiometry (IA)
- Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE)
- Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA)
- Auditory Steady-State Response (ASSR)
- Late Latency Response (LLR)
- Middle Latency Response (MLR)
- Short Increment Sensitivity Index (SISI)
- Tone Decay Test (TDT)
Speech Disorders
- Childhood Apraxia of Speech
- Dysarthria
- Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders
- Speech Sound Disorders
- Stuttering
- Voice
Language Disorders
- Childhood Spoken Language Disorders
- Learning Disabilities (Reading, Spelling, and Writing)
Medical and Development Conditions
- Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
- Autism (Autism Spectrum Disorders)
- Cleft Lip and Palate
- Right Hemisphere Brain Injury
- Traumatic Brain Injury
Communication Options
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- Speech for People with Tracheostomies or Ventilators
- Swallowing Therapy
Audiology Clinic
Audiometry – Helps quantitatively determine the degree of hearing loss
Brain-Evoked Response Audiometry (BAER) – Helps check the auditory response from the brain to the ears
Tympanometry – Assesses condition of the eardrum and middle ear
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The Transplant Center of Gujarat
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