Frequently Asked Questions
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- Frequently Asked Questions
Ataxias are a group of disorder that affects balance, coordination, and speech. Common symptoms include loss of balance, falls, change in speech, tremor, and difficulty with fine motor activities. Balance can be affected by diseases of the brain (cerebellum), vision, inner ear, and peripheral nerves.
Essential tremor is the most common movement disorder. It usually presents with shaking of hands. Other body parts like head, vocal cords, and legs can be affected. The tremors are more prominent while doing activities like eating, drinking and writing. Many patients with Essential tremor have a relative with the same disorder. Age of onset has a bimodal distribution with a peak in the 2nd-3rd decade and the second peak in the 7th-8th decade. Sometimes it can be confused with Parkinson's disease, but they are different conditions with different treatment.
B stands for Balance. E means eyes. If there is a blurred or sudden loss of vision. F stands for Face drooping, A stands for weakness in arm, S means difficulty in speech and T means, how crucial is time.
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