- Microscopic Ear Surgeries
- Facial Nerve Decompression and Facial Reanimation Surgeries for patients with facial paralysis
- Cochlear Implant (unilateral/bilateral, prelingual/postlingual): A cochlear implant, a small electronic device, is an option for children who have been deaf since birth and for people for whom hearing aids do not provide the clarity of sound needed to understand speech and spoken language.
- MIRA: Minimally invasive retrosigmoid approach for vestibular neurectomy for resistant Meniere’s disease (intractable vertigo)
- BAHA Surgery: Bone-anchored hearing implants
- Implantable Middle Ear Hearing Aid
- OSIA implants: It is a device that can help individuals with severe to profound hearing loss to hear sounds, and is a unique solution for implantable hearing devices that bypasses the non-functioning areas of the auditory system

- Tympanoplasty: Surgery done to repair the perforations in the tympanic membrane with people presenting with ear discharge and reduced hearing
- Ossiculoplasty: Reconstruction of the ossicles of the middle ear that helps people with complaints of reduced hearing
- Myringotomy and Grommet Insertion: Procedure to drain fluid accumulated behind the tympanic membrane (ear drum) leading to the sensation of ear blockage or fullness of ears
- Mastoidectomy: Surgery is done in people presenting with ear discharge and reduced hearing
- Exploratory Tympanotomy
- Stapedotomy/Stapedectomy: Surgery for patients with otosclerosis that involves fixation of the ossicle of the middle ear leading to reduced hearing
- Labyrinthectomy
- Semicircular Canal Occlusion Surgeries
- Subtotal Petrosectomy
- Endolymphatic Sac Decompression
- CSF Otorrhea Management: Leak of CSF from the ear canal after any trauma or spontaneously can be managed.
- Temporal Bone Fracture Management
- Ear Lobe Repair
- Keloid Removal
- Preauricular Sinus/Tract Excision
- Surgeries for Microtia/Anotia: Surgeries are done for patients with malformed pinna
- Skull Base Osteomyelitis Surgeries
- Revision Ear Surgeries
- Exploratory Tympanotomy
- Surgeries for Carcinoma EAC/Temporal Bone: Temporal bone resections
- Surgery for Glomus Tympanicum and Glomus Jugulare
- Facial Nerve Transposition
- Lateral Skull Base Tumors
- MIRA for Cerebellopontine Angle Lesions
- Cholesteatoma Surgeries
- Surgery for Facial Nerve Schwannoma: Facial nerve schwannomas are rare benign tumors originating from the facial nerve that can present as a variety of symptoms, including facial spasms, paralysis or palsy, and hearing loss