Adult Vaccination Clinic
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- Adult Vaccination Clinic
Adult Vaccination Clinic
In the 21st century, preventive medicine strides forward. Alongside curative treatments for certain infectious ailments, we advocate strongly for the guidelines and evidence-based adult immunization programs to keep our community healthy through flu seasons and protect from other vaccine-preventable diseases.
Rigorous clinical trials of modern-day vaccines establish robust clinical efficacy and safety profiles preventing or drastically reducing the risk of communicable diseases like pneumococcal pneumonia, and hepatitis, alongside non-communicable diseases such as cervical cancer from papillomaviruses. Some even act post-exposure, like rabies and tetanus prevention.
Our dedicated clinic and staff are geared toward this imperative avenue of preventive and community medicine.

ZyAVC was launched in August 2023 to provide our patients with one-point service. We also keep a record of patients who have been vaccinated at ZyAVC to resolve any queries arising in the future. Of many vaccines available for different diseases, we have kept the following vaccines:
- Pneumococcal conjugate and Polysaccharide vaccines (for all above age 50 and those below 50 with comorbidities)
- Influenza – Inactivated vaccines (for all age groups above 6 months of age and pregnancy)
- Tetanus-Diphtheria (toxoids and acellular) Pertussis (for all adults at 10 years interval and pregnancy)
- Typhoid conjugate (for any adults at risk)
- Hepatitis A and B (for any adults at risk)
- HPV (Cervical cancer) vaccine (for all 14-30 years of age)
- Meningitis conjugate (for all adults at risk and those whose spleen requiring to be removed)
- Shingles / Herpes zoster recombinant (for all adults above 50 and with comorbidities)
- Live Varicella and MMR (for those unvaccinated or having low titers, those who plan to study abroad)
- TDaP + Haemophilus (for those planning to undergo splenectomy)
- Rabies (for pre-and post-exposure prophylaxis)
- Japanese encephalitis (for anyone at risk)
Our dedicated clinic and staff are geared toward this imperative avenue of preventive and community medicine.
To book an appointment Call +91-6357-095869
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