- Medical Specialities
- Neuro Sciences
- Parkinson’s
Parkinson’s disease is caused due to degeneration of cells in a region of the brain known as substanEa nigra, which produces a chemical called dopamine. Reduced dopamine in the brain produces the clinical manifestaEons of Parkinson's disease. Common symptoms are slowness in activities, stiffness, and tremors. As the disease progresses, walking and balance are also affected.

There are many effective oral medications available for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. In mild and young cases dopamine agonists are usually prescribed.
In extreme cases, surgeries are also performed like DBS. DBS is considered in Parkinson’s disease when symptoms are not adequately controlled with medications.
As the disease progresses, patients develop unpredictable Off periods and dyskinesia (involuntary dance-like movements). after a certain stage, oral medications may not be effective in controlling these symptoms. DBS is an effective surgical option in these patients and symptoms of tremor, stiffness, and slowness are well controlled after the surgery. As medications are reduced post-surgery, dyskinesias also improve.
Before the surgery, a movement disorders specialist conducts an extensive assessment including evaluation of medications, symptoms, and response to oral medication. A detailed evaluation of cognition by a neuropsychologist is also done.
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