Dr. Navneet Shah

Dr. Navneet Shah | Sr. Diabetologist, Endocrinologist & Physician In Ahmedabad
Sr. Diabetologist, Endocrinologist & Physician
M.B.B.S., M.D. (Medicine)
Professional Bio:
- Dr. Navneet Shah is a renowned Diabetologist, Endocrinologist & Physician with extensive level of experience of over 4 decades. He did his Fellowship in Endocrinology and Diabetology from International College of Angiology, USA in 1982. He has been an ex- professor and head of the department in Endocrinology at Sheth V.S. General Hospital & NHL Municipal Medical College and Sheth K.M. School of Postgraduate Medicine, Ahmedabad in Sept.2000. He has a various number of publications, papers, articles and case reports on several different topics to his name.
- He has been Practicing Physician, Diabetologist & Endocrinologist since Nov. 1985.
Academic Details:
- Dr. Navneet N Shah pursued degree of MBBS from in 1975, and MD - Internal Medicine from in 1979.
- Fellowship - Endocrinology and Diabetology from International College of Angiology, USA in 1982.
Past Associations:
- He has been an Ex Honorary Diabetologist at Dhirajlal Panachand Shroff Diabetes Clinic, Ahmedabad.
- He used to be a Panel Endocrinologist of Physical Research Laboratory and Plasma Institute of India, Ahmedabad.
- He was a Panel Physician and Diabetologist at ONGC, Ahmedabad and an Ex LIC Medical Examiner in December, 1985.
- He once was the Director for Department of Diabetologist and Endocrinologist at Sterling Hospital, Ahmedabad.
- He was working as a Housemanship in Medicine from January 1977- December 1977, Housemanship in Cardiology from January 1978- June 1978, Registrar in Medicine July 1978- June 1980, Sr. Registrar in Medicine from July 1980- June 1981, Assistant Professor in Medicine from August 1981- June 1985, Associate Professor in Medicine from June 1985- October 1985 at B.J. Medical College and Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad.
- He was a Hon. Assistant Professor in Endocrinology from September 1990- 2000, Hon. Associate Professor from September 2000- January 2006 and a Professor and Head of the Dept. from January 2006- June 2014.
- He worked as an Associate Professor in Medicine at B.J. Medical College and Civil Hospital.
- President- Association of Physicians Ahmedabad.
- Hon. Secretary – Gujarat Diabetes Association.
- Hon. Physician – Sadkarya Seva Sangh, Income Tax, Ahmedabad.
- Expert Medical Examiner to New India Assurance Co. Ltd. Ahmedabad.
- Hon Joint Secretary – Endocrine Society, West Zone.
- Gujarat Public Service Commission has selected him as an Assistant Professor in Medicine in December 1982.
- Examiner in Medicine at 3rd M.B.B.S. and 3rd B.D.S. by Gujarat University and South Gujarat University.
- Ex. Honorary Physician at Rajasthan Hospital, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad. (May ‘87 to March ‘95)
- Member – Gujarat Medical Council.
- Member – Gujarat Dental Council.
- Member of Hepatitis Committee in 1985 at Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad.
Publications, Papers, Articles And Case Reports:
- Role of Thiazide Diuretics Beta blockers (Propranodol) and peripheral vasodilator (hydralazine) and the management of severe hypertension. ‘(A double blind crossover study) antiseptic, January – 1982 Vol. 79 No. 1,7 – 10.
- ‘Pericardial Diseases’ A study of 30 cases. Maharashtra Medical Journal. July – 1982. Vol. XXIX no. 4. 99 – 101.
- ‘C.S.F. Got Values in Cerebrovascular Accidents’ Gujarat Medical Journal Vol.31 No.7/8 68-73.
- Sub – biochemical Hypothyroidism: An exaggerated Thyroid Stimulating Hormone response to Thyrotropin releasing Hormone. JAPI 1999 Vil. 47 No. 3 page 275-279 ISSN 004- 5772.
- ‘Facial Hemiatrophy or parry – Romberg Syndrome’ Neurology India Vil.XXXII No. 1 March, 1984.
- ‘Marfan Syndrome’ Gujarat Medical Journal Vol.3.
- Changing Trends in Investigative Endocrinology Book published by Association of Physicians of Ahmedabad during 9th Annual Conference.
- Endocrine System - Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH Secretion published by Gujarat Visha Kosh.
- Diabetic Abdomen – A Clinical Entity. Feb, 1983 Maharashtra Medical Journal Vil. XXIX No. 11 277.
- Recent Trends in Management of Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) Gujarat Medical Journal April, 95 68-69.
- Management of Diabetic Nephropathy Newsletter published by Endocrine Society West/Zone.
- Recent Management in Enteric Fever book published by Himatnagar Medical Association during Annual Conference.
- A Newer Avenue for evaluation of Thyroid Dysfunction. JAPI Vol. 37 No. 11 703-704. ISSN 004-5772.
- Tips of Better Outcome in Peri-Operative Situation, APG NEWS October, 1998.
Awards and Accolades:
- An academic prize was awarded for highest grade in Medicine at 3rd MBBS examination held in October 1975 and February 1976.
- Fellowship: Awarded Fellowship of International College of Angiology, U.S.A., 1982.
- Shrimad Jasingbapa Sadguru Shrimad Ramjibapa Seva Samaj, Ganthiol Rotating Lectureship Award for the year 1997 on behalf of Association of Physicians of Gujarat.