  • Dr. Saketh Rao | Interventional Radiologist and Endovascular Surgeon In Anand

    Interventional Radiologist and Endovascular Surgeon

    MD (Radiodiagnosis), DNB (Radiology), DM (Interventional radiology).

Professional Bio:

  • Dr. Saketh Rao is currently associated as Consultant interventional radiologist and endovascular surgeon.
  • Before joining Zydus, he was Assistant Professor at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. He gained his skills and experience by previously working at some of the most prestigious institutes of India, namely KEM hospital and Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. He has been a part of many presentations and attended many national and international conferences. To add to his impressive credentials, he is also a member of the Indian Society of Vascular Intervention (ISVIR), Indian Radiological and Imaging Association (IRIA), Indian Medical Association (IMA).

Expertise & Specialties:

  • Varicose vein ablation and critical limb ischemia revascularisation.
  • Interventional Oncology including tumor ablation, chemoembolisation and Radio embolisation.
  • Aortic intervention like EVAR and TEVAR
  • GI interventions for portal hypertension, jaundice and transplant related interventions.
  • Renal interventions and dialysis access site management.
  • Complex image guided biopsies and drainages.

Academic Details:

  • MBBS (2008)
    B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad.
  • MD Radiodiagnosis (2014)
    B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad.
  • DM Interventional Radiology (2018)
    Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai
  • DNB Radiodiagnosis (2018)

Career Achievements:

Prizes - Scientific Paper presentation:

  • First prize - "Role of MR Spectroscopy in intracranial space occupying lesions" at IRIA Annual State Conference on 18th & 19th March 2017 in Ahmedabad.
  • Best paper - "Role of Radiofrequency ablation as a salvage treatment of desmoids tumors (recurrent Fibromatosis): Retrospective analysis" at the Workshop on Tumor-Ablation organized by the Department of Radio diagnosis, PGIMER, Chandigarh from 8th-9th November, 2019.


  • "Role of EBUS in mediastinal staging of NSCLC patients" (in press).
  • "Interventional Radiology in Obstetric Emergencies". Indian Journal of Critical Care Med. 2021;25(Suppl 3):S273-S278. doi:10.5005/jp- journals-10071-24090. PMCID: PMC9108784, PMID: 35615607
  • "Case Report of Olfactory Neuroblastoma (Esthesioneuroblastoma)", published in volume 6, issue 7, July 2017 in Global Journal for Research Analysis, ISSN No: 2277-8160.
  • "Case Report of multiple ectopic thyroids", published in volume 06, issue 11, November 2017 in Global Journal for Research Analysis, ISSN No: 2277- 8160.
  • "A Case report of Nasal Rhinosporidiosis presenting as an oropharyngeal Mass", volume 9, issue 2, December 2017 BJ Kines - National Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences p-ISSN: 2231-6140, e-ISSN: 2395-7859.
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