Dr. Vandan Raiyani

Dr. Vandan Raiyani
MS (General Surgery), MCh (Neurosurgery)
Professional Bio:
- Dr. Vandan Raiyani is a skilled and committed neurosurgeon with expertise in diagnosing and treating neurological conditions. He has a strong proficiency in conducting intricate surgical operations to tackle brain and spinal disorders. Furthermore, he is committed to remaining informed about the latest developments in neurosurgical methods and technologies. Additionally, he has extensive experience addressing a variety of neurosurgery-related challenges, acquired from his work in high-capacity hospitals.
Academic Details:
- MBBS - B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad
- MS (General Surgery)- B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad
- M.Ch (Neurosurgery)- Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow
Past Associations:
- Senior Resident – General Surgery, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad (June 2018- September 2018)
- Assistant Professor – Dept of Neurosurgery, SGPGI, Lucknow (Sept 2022 – Dec 2022)
- Assistant Professor – Dept of Neurosurgery, KGMU, Lucknow (Dec 2022 – Sept 2024)
Clinical Expertise:
- Neuro-oncology
- Spine surgery
- Stereotactic surgery
- Micro neurosurgery
- Minimally invasive spine surgery
- Endoscopic skull base surgery
- Vascular neurosurgery
- Functional neurosurgery
Publications (List of papers published in Indexed Journals):
- Craniovertebral junction instability in Larsen syndrome: An institutional series and review of literature. J Craniovert Jun Spine 2020;11:276-86
- Lessons learnt from surgical management of craniovertebral instability in Morquio syndrome: a series of four unusual cases. J Craniovertebr Junction Spine 2020:11:243-247.
- Seizure Outcome after Lesionectomy With or Without Concomitant Anteromedial Temporal Lobectomy for Low-Grade Gliomas of the Medial Temporal Lobe. Asian J Neurosurg. 2021 Sep 14;16(3):518-524
- Quantitative assessment of brainstem distortion in vestibular schwannoma and its implication in occurrence of hydrocephalus. Br J Neurosurg. 2022 Dec;36(6):686-692.
- The current status and surgical outcome of the minimally invasive techniques for lumbar interbody fusion in India: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Craniovertebr Junction Spine. 2022 Jul-Sep;13(3):245-255.
- Endoscopic intradural extramedullary lesion excision: Results of augmented duroplasty with artificial dura. J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2023 Jan-Mar;14(1):177-181.
- An Analysis of Temporal Trend of Incidence of Post-Resection Cerebrospinal Fluid Diversion in Pediatric Posterior Fossa Tumor Patients and the Predictive Factors. Neurol India. 2023 Jan-Feb;71(1):79-85.
- C1–C2 Transarticular Screw with Sublaminar Wiring for Reducible Atlantoaxial Dislocation: Operative Technique and Surgical Nuances. Journal of Spinal Surgery 11(1):p 18-25, Jan–Mar 2024.
- Neuroenteric Cyst: Transpedicular Approach for Resection of Intramedullary Neuroenteric Cyst with Persistent Neuroenteric Canal. Neurology India 72(2):p 258-260, Mar–Apr 2024.
- Optimum Surgical Strategies for Medial Sphenoid Wing Meningiomas: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Resection Extent, Visual Outcomes, and Vascular Injury. World Neurosurgery 2024
- Management of Proximal (A1 Segment) Anterior Cerebral Artery Aneurysms: A Literature Review; Indian Journal of Neurosurgery 13(02):095-102; August 2024
List of published chapters:
- Telo-Velo- Tonsillar Approach to fourth Ventricular Tumors The Operative Atlas of Neurosurgery: A Compendium of 120 Neuro-oncological, Case-based, Surgical Approaches. Volume
1. Delhi, Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers 2020 pp 515-538 - Laminectomy and a dorsal myelotomy for a non-dysraphic subpial intramedullary spinal cord lipoma. The Operative Atlas of Neurosurgery: A Compendium of 120 Neuro-oncological, Case-based, Surgical Approaches. Volume 2. Delhi, Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers 2020 pp 1381-1389
- Surgery for skull base cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea. (2023)
- Clival Chordoma excision via extended endonasal transsphenoidal approach. (2023)
Professional Participation/Paper presentation:
- “Seizure Outcome after Lesionectomy With or Without Concomitant Anteromedial Temporal Lobectomy for Low-Grade Gliomas of the Medial Temporal Lobe” at 1st Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Virtual International Conference, 11-13th December,2020
- “CT-Based Morphometric Analysis of Odontoid Groove: A Possible Answer to The Odontoid Fracture Classification” at 71st Annual Conference of the Neurological Society of India, held at Bhubaneswar from 14 to 17th December 2023
- Best Senior Resident Award (M.Ch) in year 2021, SGPGI Lucknow
- 2nd prize in NSI Best poster award for topic “CT-Based Morphometric Analysis of Odontoid Groove: A Possible Answer to The Odontoid Fracture Classification Enigma” presented at 71st Annual Conference of the Neurological Society of India, held at Bhubaneswar from 14 to 17th December 2023
- Journal of Spine Surgery since 2024
Memberships in Professional Societies:
- Life member in Neurological Society of India
- Life member in Neuro-endoscopic Society of India
- Life member in Neuro Spinal Surgeons Association of India