Dr. Shailendra Singh

Dr. Shailendra Singh
Sr Plastic Surgeon
M.Ch & DNB Plastic Surgery
Expertise & specialties:
- Microvascular Onco Reconstruction
- Hand & Microvascular Surgery
- Coverage of Open Fractures
- Industrial and Road Traffic Accidents
- Brachial Plexus and its Management
Trained for Microvascular Surgery in -
- Ganga Hospital Coimbatore
- Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Taipai Taiwan
- Memorial Sloan Kettring Cancer Centre MSKCC New York USA
Academic Details:
- The MS University Baroda, MCh & DNB Plastic Surgery
Career Highlights (Awards, publications & achievements):
- First to Start and practice as Microvascular surgeon in Gujarat since the year 2000.
- First to do successful Replantation of Fingers, Wrists and forearm and Arm
- First surgical team who has succefully Replanted Bilateral Hand and Bilateral Amputated foot
- : First to Introduce Microvascular Onco Reconstruction and took the level of post oncological reconstruction to International standard
- Have published eleven papers in international Journal.
- Have attended & presented in many national and International conferences. Taiwan, South Korea, China etc.
Future Commitments:
- Have assisted for Donor Retrival Hand, that Bilateral Hand was Transplanted In Chennai. on May 28th , 2022. Which was first for private hospital in Tamilnadu.