Dr. Raghuvir Solanki

Dr. Raghuvir Solanki | Sr. Plastic & Onco Reconstructive Surgeon In Ahmedabad
Sr. Plastic & Onco Reconstructive Surgeon
Professional Bio:
- Dr Raghuvir Solanki is a renowned Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon of Gujarat. After doing Super-specialization in Plastic surgery with Gold Medal, he got his advanced training in cancer reconstruction From Tata Memorial Hospital , Mumbai. He also got training at M D Anderson Cancer Hospital, USA.
- He has maximum experience of Head and Neck reconstructions in the state of Gujarat. He is famous for doing challenging head and neck cancer reconstructions and jaw bone reconstructions. His aim is to provide reconstruction with best possible cosmesis and functional outcomes.
- He is also the only dedicated Plastic Surgeon of Gujarat having maximum experience in post cancer Breast reconstructions. He has got advanced training from St Andrews Centre of Plastic Surgery, United kingdom, for various breast cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. As a part of training programme at Tata Memorial hospital, he has trained many Plastic surgeons, ENT surgeons and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India as well as overseas surgeons. He has many national and international presentations in his credit.
- His area of interest is Post Mastectomy Breast reconstructions, various Breast cosmetic procedures like Breast reduction, Mastopexy and Augmentation,Facial plastic surgery, Complex Head and Neck reconstructions, Jaw bone reconstructions and peripheral bony and soft tissue reconstructions.
Academic Qualifications:
- M.B.B.S - Smt NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad, in 2005
- M.S (Gen. Surgery) - Sheth L. G. General Hospital, Ahmedabad in 2008
- M.Ch.(Plastic Surgery) - Smt S.C.L. General Hospital, Ahmedabad in 2012
- Consultant Plastic Surgeon at HCG Cancer Hospital, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India(since September 2014)
Past Experience:
- Worked as a Specialist Senior Resident in Department Of Plastic Surgery At TATA Memorial Hospital, Mumbai during 1st September 2012 to 31st August 2014
- Trained under Internationally renowned Dr Prabha Yadav who is Head of the Department of Surgical Oncology and pioneer in popularizing free flaps in head and neck reconstruction in India
- Independently done more than 200 free flaps in mere 2 years time period at Tata Memorial Hospital for cancer reconstruction (Mainly for Head and Neck, Bone and Soft Tissue, Breast related reconstruction with average success rate of more than 96%), some of them are
- Free Fibula Flap for Mandibular, Maxillary and long bone reconstruction
- Free Anterolateral Thigh Flap for Maxillary,Tongue & Buccal Mucosa Reconstruction, Cranio facial Defects, Chest wall defects and Limb defects
- Whole Breast reconstruction with Free Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery Perforar flap (DIEAP flap)
- Bony Reconstruction with Allocombo Technique
- Free Radial Artery Flap for Lip and Buccal mucosa defects
- Free Jejunal flap for Pharyngeal Reconstruction
- Free flaps for failed pedicle and free flaps
- Locoregional flaps for various head and neck reconstruction,chest and back defects, abdominal defects, post groin node dissection defects, limb defects and perineal defects
- Independently handled all departmental emergencies at Tata Memorial Hospital
- Coordinator of Oncorecon workshop at Tata Memorial Hospital
- Presented Papers in various State, National and international Plastic Surgery Conferences
- Successfully managed all trauma related emergencies during M.Ch. training including replantation of fingers, hand injuries, facio maxillary injuries and limb injuries
- In private practice at HCG Cancer Hospital, performed more than 250 free flaps with 98% success rate which is comparable to International Standards
International Observer Ship:
- Visiting Fellow, M D Anderson Cancer Hospital, Houston TX, USA
- Visiting Fellow, St Andrew's Centre of Plastic Surgery, Chelmsford, UK
Awards & Accolades:
- Received Gold Medal from Gujarat University for securing the highest ever marks in the examination of M.Ch. Plastic Surgery held in 2012.