Dr. Pratibha Dileep

Dr. Pratibha Dileep | Critical Care and Hospital Infection Control Specialist In Ahmedabad
Critical Care and Hospital Infection Control Specialist
M.D. Medicine
- Critical Care and Hospital Infection Control Consultant at Zydus Hospitals.
- Critical Care Education Foundation Accredited Post Graduate Critical Care Course Director training 2 students for Fellowship each year.
- DNB Accredited Teacher for DNB Critical Care at Zydus Hospitals, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India since 2019.
- Chair-Person of the Infection Control Committee and Code Blue Committee, Zydus Hospitals, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Education & Experience:
- MBBS in 1988 from BJMC Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
- MD Medicine 1991 from BJMC Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
- Trained in Critical Care under Dr. PK Jain at Sir HN Hospital, Bombay, India.
- Assistant Professor in Medicine at BJMC Ahmedabad for 3 years.
- Assistant Professor & In-charge, Critical Care, Sri Ramachandra Medical College Chennai for 5 years.
- Honorary Intensive Care Specialist at Sheth V.S. General Hospital for 2 years.
- Director of Department of Critical Care & Emergency Medicine at Sterling Hospital for 14 years.
- Founder Chairperson of ISCCM Ahmedabad Chapter, Gujarat, India.
- Member of the Editorial board of Critical Care Communication, Official Newsletter of ISCCM for the year April 2021 to April 2022.
- Currently practicing as a Critical Care Specialist & Hospital Infection Control Consultant in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India for the last 20 years.
- Developing Critical Care Speciality and Hospital Infection Control Practices in Ahmedabad to the Current International Standards
- Training programs for Critical Care Medicine
- Peri & Post Operative Intensive Care
- Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Planning
- Management of Intoxications & Overdosages
- Modern Sepsis management
- ECMO & Rescue modes of ventilation for refractory hypoxemia
- Clinical Research in Critical Care
Latest Publications:
- Journal of IMA – Volume 118 No. 12 – December 2020 – Topic: “A Prospective Study of 200 Patients Admitted in a Tertiary ICU with Severe Acute Respiratory Infection to Develop a Pretest Probability Score of COVID 19 Infection, COV-SARI Score”
- Journal of the API – Volume 69 – October 2021: Topic: “Complicated Chikungunya Infection in Tertiary ICU in Western India – A Prospective Study Over 3 Years.”
- Critical Care Update 2022 (4th Edition) – Chapter 11 (Page No. 61-63): “Higher Dose of Antibiotics – When and Where?”
- Update in Covid 19 and Critical Care 2021 – Topic: “Structure, Process Modification and Preparedness for Pandemic”
- ISSCM - Critical Care Communication (Volume 16.1 - March-April - 2021) – Topic: “What’s new in NCC : ONSD”
- ISSCM - Critical Care Communication (Volume 16.2 - May-June - 2021) – Topic: “What’s in and What’s Out? in Covid”
- ISSCM - Critical Care Communication (Volume 16.3 - July-August - 2021) – Topic: “DNA Vaccines”
- ISSCM - Critical Care Communication (Volume 16.4 - September-October - 2021) – Topic: “How to Prepare and Manage a Pandemic”
- ISSCM - Critical Care Communication (Volume 16.5 - November-December - 2021) - Theme: “Post Pandemic Change in Medical Practice,” Topic: “CPR-FTR”
- ISSCM - Critical Care Communication (Volume 16.6 - January-February - 2022) - Theme: “Vision for Critical Care in Future,” Topic: “Critical Care Medicine in Next Decade”
- Wiley Journal (Mycoses: 2021, 64:1253-1260) (https://doi.org/10.1111/myc.13353) – Topic: “Mucormycosis and COVID 19: An Epidemic within a Pandemic in India.”
- Authored Two Chapters in Textbook of Clinical Gastroenterology Surgery on perioperative Critical Care of Critically Sick Surgical Patients
- Co-Author for the Section of Obstetric Critical Care (Section 6, Chapters 41, 42, 43 & 44) in Critical Care 1st Edition:
- Physiology of Pregnancy
- Respiratory Disorders during Pregnancy
- Liver Diseases Complicating Pregnancy
- Peripartum & Postpartum Intensive Care in Pregnancy
- Co-Author for a Chapter on “Approach to Fever in Immunocompromised Host (Non-HIV)” in Monograph Fever of Unknown Origin (2016).
- Wolters Kluwer: Clinical Spine Surgery: March 2022 - Volume 35 - Issue 2 - p 49-58 (https://doi.org/10.1097/BSD.0000000000001231) – Topic: Esophageal Perforation After Anterior Cervical Surgery - A Case Report and Literature Review.
- Indian Journal of Gastroenterology: 33, 484–486 (2014) (https://doi.org/10.1007/s12664-014-0470-2) – Topic: Primary hyperparathyroidism with pancreatitis: Experience of management in 5 patients with review of literature.
- The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India: December 2010 Volume 58 – Topic: Time trends in the epidemiology of microbial infections at a tertiary care center in west India over last 5 years.
Ongoing Studies:
- A prospective observational study of patients admitted in a tertiary hospital from 15th September 2020 onwards with “POST COVID Sequelae” for a period of 6 months.
- Participating in Multicenter prospective observational cohort study – SOLUTE Study.
Conferences :
- Presented paper and workshop in many national conferences.