Dr. Kamal Goplani

Dr. Kamal Goplani
MD, DM (Nephrology)
Professional Bio:
Dr. Kamal Goplani has over 2 decades of experience in Nephrology. His clinical skills include:
- Insertion of Femoral, Jugular and subclavian Temporary/permanent dialysis catheters
- Insertion of peritoneal dialysis catheter
- Renal biopsy: Native and Allograft
- Managing Live and deceased donor Transplants (>1000)
- Continuous Renal Replacement therapy in critically ill AKI
Past Experience:
- September, 2021 to August, 2023 as Consultant Nephrology at KD Hospitals
- March, 2018 to August, 2021 at Shalby Hospitals
- September, 2014 to February, 2018 with Columbia Asia
- Associate Professor at Civil Hospital & BJMC for 5 years
- June, 2010 to August, 2014 as Consultant Nephrologist with Shalby Hospitals
- November, 2006 to May 2010 as Assistant Professor Nephrology at Institute of Kidney Diseases & Research Centre, B.J. Medical College
Fellowships, Residency and Internship:
- Clinical Fellowship in Nephrology & Transplant from March 2008 to 2009, at the Department of Nephrology, The Ottawa Hospital University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- Resident Nephrology from November 2003 to 2006, at Institute of Kidney Diseases & Research Centre, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad
- Assistant Professor (Medicine) from May 2000 to November 2003 at B.J. Medical College & New Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad
- Resident (Medicine) from 1997 to 2000 at MP Shah Medical College, Jamnagar
- Internship (Reral health medicine) from January 1996 to December 1997 at MP Shah Medical College, Jamnagar
Advanced Courses Attended:
- Summer course in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from September 4 - 8th 2008 at University of Ottawa, Canada
- Training workshop on “Blood safety and components” from 2nd – 3rd January 2003 organized by Gujarat State Blood Transfusion Council
- Training workshop on HIV/AIDS” from 26th to 28th August 2002 organized by Gujarat State AIDS Control Society, Ahmedabad
- Dissertation in DM (Nephrology)
- “Clinical Profile of Acute Renal Failure of Obstetric Origin” PG Teacher (under guidance of) Dr. Dinesh Gera (Professor of Nephrology, Institute of Kidney Diseases and Research Centre, Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad, Gujarat)
- Dissertation in MD (Medicine)
- “Echocardiographic evaluation of left ventricular diastolic function in asymptomatic hypertensive patients” PG Teacher (under guidance of) Dr. B. D. Parmar (Professor & Head of Department of Medicine, M P Shah Medical College, Jamnagar Gujarat)
- Kute VB, Godara SM, Shah PR, Gumber MR, Goplani KR, Vanikar AV, Munjappa BC, Patel HV, Trivedi HL. Hemodialysis for methyl alcohol poisoning: a single-center experience. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2012 Jan;23(1):37-43
- Gumber MR, Kute VB, Goplani KR, Shah PR, Patel HV, Vanikar AV, Modi PR, Trivedi HL. Deceased donor organ transplantation: A single center experience. Indian J Nephrol. 2011 Jul;21(3):182-5. doi: 10.4103/0971-4065.82636
- Godara SM, Kute VB, Goplani KR, Gumber MR, Gera DN, Shah PR, Vanikar AV, Trivedi HL. Mucormycosis in renal transplant recipients: predictors and outcome. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2011 Jul;22(4):751-6
- Gumber MR, Kute VB, Goplani KR, Shah PR, Patel HV, Vanikar AV, Pandya TP, Trivedi HL. Transplantation with kidney paired donation to increase the donor pool: a single-center experience. Transplant Proc. 2011 Jun;43(5):1412-4
- Patel HV, Goplani KR, Vanikar AV, Trivedi HL, Gumber MR, Jain SH, Kute VB, Gireesh MS, Shah PR. Effect of post-transplant weight at one year on renal allograft function. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2011 Jul;22(4):799-801
- Goplani KR, Kute VB, Vanikar AV, Shah PR, Gumber MR, Patel HV, Modi PR, Trivedi HL. Expanded criteria donor kidneys for younger recipients: acceptable outcomes. Transplant Proc. 2010 Dec;42(10):3931-4
- K.R. Goplani, A. Firoz, P. Ramakrishana, P.R. Shah, M.R. Gumber, H.V. Patel, A.V. Vanikar, H.L. Trivedi: Deceased Donor Organ Transplantation with Expanded Criteria Donors: A Single Center Experience from India. Transplantation Proceedings. 2010 Jan; Volume 42, Issue 1, Pages 171-174
- Kanodia KV, Vanikar AV, Goplani KR, Trivedi HL: Diabetic nephropathy with crescentic GN: Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2009 Jul; 20(4): 672-3
- Saboo D, Shah PR, Goplani KR, Feroz A, Gumber M, Vanikar AV, Trivedi HL: Posttransplant diabetes mellitus: a single-center studyTransplant Proc. 2008 May; 40 (4): 1111-3
- Goplani KR, Vanikar AV, Shah PR, Gumber M, Feroz A, Patel HV, Kasat P, Falodia J, Saboo D, Kaswaan K, Geerish MS, Pandya T, Trivedi HL.: Postrenal transplant hemolytic uremic syndrome/thrombotic microangiopathy: Ahmedabad experience. Transplant Proc. 2008 May; 40(4): 1114-6
- Kanodia KV, Vanikar AV, Goplani KR, Gupta SB, Trivedi HL: Sickle cell nephropathy with diffuse proliferative lupus nephritis: a case reports. Diagn Pathol. 2008 Feb. 28; 3(1):9
- Goplani KR, Shah PR, Gera DN, Gumber M, Dabhi M, Feroz A, Kanodia K, Suresh S, Vanikar AV, Trivedi HL Pregnancy-related acute renal failure: A single-center experience: Indian Journal of Nephrology:2008 Jan;18(1):17-21.
- Vanikar AV, Trivedi H, Patel RD, Kanodia KV, Trivedi VB, Shah PR, Gupta SB, Dabhi M, Gumber M, Goplani K:Diagnosis of acute humoral rejection using immunofluorescence in renal allograft biopsies- one step towards better understanding!: Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2007 Jul;50(3):502-6.
- S Ukkani, M Thakkar, A Desai, V Singel, K Goplani: “Linezolid –Update”; Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, December 2002, vol. 13, No 7, p 63-64
- Alexander G,Singel V,Shah A, Goplani K, Rani A , Mishra S, Ukkani S, Bhagat G: “Poncet’s disease”; Gujarat Medical Journal, March 2001, vol 58, p74-75
- Dinesh Gohel, Bhavin Dalal, Kamal Goplani, Chaturbhuj rathore: “Small volume plasma exchange in Gullian Barre Syndrome”; Gujarat Medical Journal, Dec. 1999, vol. 56, p68-70
Presentations and Abstract Publications:
- Goplani KR, Shah PR, Gumber MR, Patel HV, Modi PR, Vanikar AV, Trivedi HL: “Expanded criteria donor kidneys to younger recipients- Acceptable Outcomes” at XXIII International congress of Transplantation Society held at Vancouver, Canada August 15-19th 2010
- Goplani KR, Shah PR, Gumber MR, Ramakrishana P, Patel HV, Vanikar AV, Trivedi HL: Deceased donor transplantation with expanded criteria donors- Acceptable outcome” at Transplantation Update 2010 held at Ahmedabad, India Feb 2010
- Goplani KR, Feroz A, Ramakrishana P, Vanikar AV, Trivedi HL:”Deceased donor Organ Transplantation from Expanded criteria donors- A single center experience from India” at 10th ISODP & 16th ETCO Berlin, Germany,Oct 2009
- Goplani KR, Kaswan K, Shah PR, Gera DN, Vanikar AV,Trivedi HL:”Prognostic factors and Outcome in Rapidly progressive renal Failure- A single center experience” at Westzone ISN conference, Goa, India. Sep 2009
- Falodia J, Shah PR, Dabhi M, Gumber M, Goplani K, Vanikar A, Trivedi HL: “Transplantation in Highly Sensitized Patient: Desensitization Protocol” at Indian Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting at New Delhi India Dec 2007
- Manish Dabhi, Kamal Goplani, Himanshu Patel, Pankaj Shah, H.L. Trivedi: “Vascular calcification in maintenance hemodialysis patients: Are we shooting in the dark”, at Indian Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting Dec 2007 - New Delhi India
- Goplani KR, Nagpal S,Shah PR, Gera DN, Gumber M, Vanikatr AV, Trivedi HL.Hyperuricemia in Renal Transplant Recipients. At “Indian Society of Organ Transplant” Annual Meeting at Banglore India, October 2007
- Goplani KR, Gera DN, Shah PR, Gumber M, Vanikar AV, Trivedi HL.”Acute renal Failure of Obstetric Origin”:at “World congress of Nephrology”: April 2007 Brazil
- Goplani KR, Gera DN, Trivedi HL et al: “Dyslipidemia in post renal transplant recipients” at IV International Congress of Kidney Diseases held at Ahmedabad, November 2005
- Patel H.V., Vakil J. M., Parekh A, Goplani K et al. “Anemia in post renal transplant Patients” at ISOT held at Mumbai, September 2004
- Goplani K, Latif et al. “Glycaemic Status and its Prognostic value in stroke” at 55th APICON held at Jaipur, January 2000
- Dalal B, Goplani K et al. “Correlation of Tuberculin Test & CD4 count in HIV positive patients with Pulmonary & Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis”, Respiratory Care Journal / Open Forum by American Association of Respiratory Care (AARC), Tampa, FL, USA, October, 2002
Awards & Prizes:
- Travel Grant for “Deceased donor Organ Transplantation from Expanded criteria donors- A single center experience from India”. One of the Best abstracts at 10th ISODP & 16th ETCO Berlin Germany, Oct 2009
- Best paper prize for “Deceased donor transplantation with expanded criteria donors- Acceptable outcome” at Transplantation Update India, February 2010
Areas of Interest:
- Renal Transplant - Tx in Highly sensitised, paired kidney donation, deceased donor transplants
- AKI in ICU
- Retarding the progression of Diabetic & non Diabetic kidney disease
- Glomerular disease