Dr. Dhaivat Vaishnav

Dr. Dhaivat Vaishnav | Sr. Gastrointestinal & Robotic Surgeon In Ahmedabad
Sr. Gastrointestinal & Robotic Surgeon
Professional Bio:
- Dr Dhaivat Vaishnav is a dynamic and enthusiastic surgeon with many firsts. He was part of team first robotic whipple Pancreatodudenectomy in Gujarat. He has first robotic spleen preserving distal pancreatectomy and robotic fundoplication for hiatus Pancreas on his name in Gujarat state. He specialises in minimally invasive surgery (Robotic and Laparoscopic), pancreatic surgery (acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer), gall bladder & biliary surgery, colorectal surgery, eso-gastric surgery, liver surgery, complex abdominal wall surgery, high risk gastrointestinal surgery and precision based GI and HPB surgeries.
Academic Details:
- DNB (surgical gastroenterology) Lakeshore Hospital & Research Center Kochi, Kerala Under renowned pancreatic surgeon Dr H Ramesh December-2013
- Master of Surgery (General Surgery) SMIMER Medical College, Surat. May-2009
- M.B.B.S. Government Medical College, Surat. Feb-2005
Detailed Bio:
- Dr Dhaivat vaishnav, a dynamic and enthusiastic surgeon, currently associated with team Zydus as consultant, GI and HPB surgeon.
- He started his career as assistant professor, general surgery at PDU medical college, Rajkot after being first post graduate student of general surgery department at SMIMER, Surat.
- He developed his interest in surgical gastroenterology and trained under world renowned GI and HPB surgeon Dr H Ramesh at Lake shore hospital and research center, Kochi, Kerala. He had special interest in pancreatic surgery.
- He served as consultant at Apollo Cancer Care Hospital, Columbia Asia Hospital and GCS medical college before joining ZYDUS family. He was founder member of starting Department of Surgical Gastroenterology at GCS Medical College, Ahmedabad.
- He is a pioneering robotic GI and HPB surgery in state of Gujarat, with many firsts…..he was part of team first robotic whipple Pancreatodudenectomy of Gujarat. He has first robotic spleen preserving distal pancreatectomy and robotic fundoplication for hiatus Pancreas on his name in Gujarat state.
- Apart from that, he was in academia since his MBBS days. He has attended various national, international conferences and presented papers at various categories.
- He has publications in indexed surgical journals. He is a part of various research groups in surgical forums.
- Darshan J, Vaishnav D, Vaidya H : Possum score vs surgeons gut feeling in predicting post operative mortality. Ind Res Commun 2010, 4(2), 128-9
- Vaishnav D, Chandra S, Lakhia T. A Giant Liver Cyst with Biliary Communication Successfully Treated With Laparoscopic Deroofing: A Case Report. International Journal of Surgical Cases 2016 Jan - April;2(2): 5-7
- Vaishnav D, Lakhia T (2017) Lateral Pancreatogastrostomy for Stenotic Pancreatojejunostomy after Pancreatoduodenectomy: A Case Report. Pancreat Disord Ther 7: 184. doi:10.4172/2165-7092.1000184
- Vaishnav D, Castleman's disease associated with pemphigus vulgaris: remains retrospectively diagnosed entity. EJMO 2018;2(3):173–175. DOI: 10.14744/ejmo.2018.14632
- Laparoscopic pancreatoduodenectomy with open reconstruction is still a useful checkpoint during the learning curve to reach laparoscopic reconstruction. D Vaishnav, HPB, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hpb.2019.08.007.
- Sump syndrome: post chodedochoduodenostomy. D Vaishnav, M Narwaria, Formasan Journal of surgery, JULY 2020.
- Laparoscopic Gastrointestinal Surgery During COVID-19 Pandemic: Single-Center Experience. Dhaivat Vaishnav and Bhavin Patel. https://doi.org/10.1089/lap.2020.0481. Journal of laparoendocscopy and advanced surgical technique.
- SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study COVIDSurg Collaborative, GlobalSurg Collaborative. BJS, 2021, 1–8 DOI: 10.1093/bjs/znab101 Original Article.
- Timing of surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international prospective cohort study COVIDSurg Collaborative* and GlobalSurg Collaborative: Anaesthesia 2021 doi:10.1111/anae.15458.
- Pancreaticoduodenectomy in the Setting of Pre-operative Post Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Acute Pancreatitis: Intraoperative Challenges and Post-operative Outcome. Solanki Rashesh, Mehta Maulik, Vaishnav Dhaivat, Desai Gaurav, Tropical Gastroenterology 2021;42(2):000-000.
Awards & Accolades:
- Best case presentation prize at Cochin Clinical Society meet, 2013.
- Best oral presentation during ASGKON 2014 at Kochi.
- Only surgeon selected from Gujarat for mentorship program- Pancreas India, (twenty young doctors selected from all over India) run by Indian Pancreas Club, for year 2014.
- Got TRAVEL GRANT to attend master class and visit to Asan medical center along with Korean society of endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery international symposium 2019, at Seoul South Korea.
- Visited University of Illinois Chicago for robotic surgery – Dr Prof C Guilianotti - May 2022
- Visited University of North Shore – for Robotic surgery- Dr Prof Melisa Hogg- May 2022
- Second prize in QUIZ competition during 1st international ESO INDIA conference at Chennai, 2013.
Academic Achievements as Professional:
- coordinator, 1st lecture series surgical gastroenterology December 2015, At Ahmedabad
- co-organizer, 3rd safe laparoscopic cholecystectomy course July 2018 at Ahmedabad
- Organizing secretory, 3rd FALS colorectal 2019 course under IAGES at Ahmedabad
- Moderator, Benign biliary stricture - Penal Discussion at GUJASICON 2021, Ahmedabad
- Organizing secretory, International HepatoPancreatoBiliary Association (IHPBA) INDIA mid-term conference- 2022 at Ahmedabad
Membership at various societies:
- Life member Association of surgeons of INDIA (ASI)
- Life member Indian asso of surgical gastroenterology (IASG)
- Life member of IAGES
- Life member of IMA
- International Member of American Gastroenterology association
- International Member of SAGES
- International Member of SSAT