Dr. Asha N. Shah

Dr. Asha N. Shah
Internal Medicine Specialist
M.D (Medicine), FACP
Professional Bio:
- Dr. Asha N. Shah is an Internal Medicine Specialist and has experience of teaching Medicine for more than three decades. She has been an Ex. Professor and Head of Medicine Department, Ex. Director of postgraduate studies and Ex. Additional Dean at B. J. Medical College and Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad (2007-2009). She has around 70 papers in state, national, international journals and has presented around 40 poster presentations.
Additional Qualifications:
- FACP (Fellow of American college of physicians) since 2015
- Fellow of Indian society of hypertension (F.I S.H)
- 12-week online course in “Leadership and Management in Health” from University of Washington, USA, in 2015
Past Associations:
- Ex. Program Director of ART centre & Centre of excellence, B.J. Medical college.
- Ex. Program in Charge for diploma HIV medicine IGNOU & Ex. President standing medical board civil hospital Ahmedabad.
- Recognized PhD guide for Gujarat University.
- Gujarat University guide for Ph. D. in Medicine
- Ex. Scientific chairperson Association of Physicians Gujarat
- Expert member in Advisory Board, Board of Studies Sayajirao University
- Member secretary, Non-Communicable Disease Committee of B.J. Medical College
- Resource person for Trainer of Trainees, State NCD Committee.
- National level Faculty for training medical officers & specialists for National AIDS control organization
- Faculty in teacher’s training program, B. J. Medical College
- Faculty & Trainer for Stage diabetes management, in collaboration with WHO conducted workshop 7th & 8th July 2007 Civil hospital & 19th Oct 2008 –Circuit house Ahmedabad for Govt. doctors in health
- Faculty for PGDGM (post graduate diploma in geriatric medicine) course conducted by IGNOU for 2002-2005 & now faculty & program in charge for PG diploma course HIV medicine (PGDHIVM)since 2012
- Honorary Jury member for “Modlip Young Scholar” in internal medicine conducted by Torrent Pharmaceuticals since 2008 to 2016
Felicitations and Awards:
- Awarded by B. J. Medical College & Gujarat University for excellence in academics 2014
- Awarded by Govt. of Gujarat for excellent work in swine flu outbreak in 2015
- Endowment oration (Prof. Ratinavelu Subramaniam) in APICON 2018
- Recipient of Oration award from Association of Physicians of Gujarat 2015
- Felicitation for work done in academic and clinical fields in B.J. Medical College & Gujarat University Ahmedabad, 2014
- Oration award from Association of Physicians of Gujarat and delivered presentation regarding ‘H1N1 influenza pandemic and beyond’ at APGCON 2015
- Examiner – For MBBS and MD in Gujarat University, Saurashtra University, MS University. South Gujarat University and University of Bombay, Diploma National Board, HIV diploma IGNOU
Research & Publications:
- Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases - Study of 96 cases. Gujarat Medical Journal, March 1980 – 37 to 42
- Role of Thiazide diuretic, Beta blocker and peripheral vasodilator in the management of severe hypertension (Double blind cross over study) Antiseptic Journal. Jan. 1982, Vol. 79, Vol. No.1.7 to 10.
- “Pericardial diseases” a study of 30 cases – Maharashtra Medical Journal. July 1982. Vol. XXIX No. 90 – 101.
- Diabetic abdomen – a clinical entity – Maharashtra Medical Journal Vol. XXIX No. 11 – Feb. 1983.
- ‘Correspondence article’ Sodium Valproate in Tetanus JAPI March, 83 Issue. No. 30.
- ‘Correspondence article’ Chloroquine capsules JAPI April, 1984.
- Case report – Wilson’s disease. Guj. Medical Journal, Dec. 1989. 7-9.
- Acute aluminum phosphide poisoning – A case report Gujarat Medical Journal Dec. 1989. 15-16.
- ‘Von hipple Lindiu disease without Lindaus tumor’ A case report JAPI May 1990 Vol. 38, Page 363-365.
- Complicated Tropical Pyomyositis caused by multiple organisms. A case report – JAPI 1999 Vol. 47 No. 11.
- Pictorial CME – JAPI. October 2001, ISSN. 0004-5772 (V V Shah, A N Shah)
- Study of non-traumatic comatose patients in relation of etiology and outcome with various prognostic factors. GMJ- Dec. 2001. ISSN. 071-9342.
- Mixed antibody (warm and cold) type autoimmune hemolytic anemia GMJ – April, 2003. ISSN. 071-9342.
- Persistent Restrictive Ventilatory defects after accidental Ammonia inhalation. Indian Practitioner, Indian Practitioner, Feb. 2003, Vol. 56, No.2, Page 137.
- Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia – a rare entity Gujarat Medical Journal March 2004.
- Evaluation of efficacy and safety of Tummyease in Indian patients – A proprietary herbal formulation Indian medical gazette – July 2004.
- A clinical study of dilated cardiomyopathy in Indian context Gujarat Medical Journal April 2000 vol. 57 no.1.
- Case report – A case of pancreatitis associated with viral hepatitis E GMJ April 2000 vol 57 No.1.
- Correspond – Resting ECG 14 or 12 leads - GMJ September 1998 Vol55 No.03/98
- Herpes Zoster as Immune Reconstitution Syndrome – GMJ September 1998 vol55 No. 03/98 of clinical practice – Feb 2006 vol 16, no 9.
- Comparative study, an open label comparative Randomized multi centric study of Cefetamet pivoxil versus Cefuroxime axetil in treatment of mild to moderate community acquired lower respiratory tract infection, Indian medical gazette April 2006 vol CXL No 4.
- Role of blood fluid Adenosine deaminase for the diagnosis of tuberculous pleuritis published in Indian journal of clinical practice vol. 17 No.9 Feb 2007.
- Service of Outcome of Anti Retroviral Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for Occupational HIV Exposure Among Health Care Personnel at ISHIED 2010 Marshiele, France.Poster presentation & also published in Retrovirology 2010,7 suppl 1 p 75
- Our Experience in 2nd Line Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART) at State AIDS Control Expert Panel (SACEP) Clinic, Centre of Excellence (COE), ART Centre, B.J. Medical College, Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad at ISHIED 2010 Marshiele, France & published in retrovirology 2010 7 suppl 1 P53
- Outcome of 1st Line Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART) with Respect of Treatment Failure at ART Centre, B.J. Medical College, Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad, at ISHIED 2010 Marshiele, France.& published in Retrovirology 2010 suppe 1 p 49
- Side Effects Associated with use of Nevirapine in HIV Treatment Naïve Patients with Respect to Baseline CD4 Count (Oral Presentation), at ISHIED 2010 Marshiele, France Published in Retrovirology 2010 supple 1 p 65
- “NRTI side effects in PLHAs attending ART Centre, BJ Medical College, Ahmedabad.” Presented at ISHEID 2010 Marshiele, France &Published in Retrovirology 2010 suppl 1 p 65
- An overview of post exposure prophylaxis for HIV in healthcare personals Gujarat scenario Indian journal of sexually transmitted diseases & AIDS 2011 vol 32 NO 1
- Study of referred patients of acute viral hepatitis B epidemic of Sabarkantha District of Gujarat Original study Indian medical Gazette march 2010
- A study of clinical profile of HIV positive patients with neurological manifestations HIV & AIDS review 2011 xxx Elsevier
- Study of outcome of young H1N1 females in tertiary care centre admitted in Jan 2010 Original study Indian medical Gazette Nov.2010
- Epidemiology and clinical outcome of H1N1 in Gujarat from July 2009 to March 2010 in Journal of Associations of Physicians of India- original article Vol 60 95-97Feb 2012. Pubmed -22715554
- Study of Post exposure prophylaxis in Occupational health care workers – Gujarat state scenario. IJSTD & AIDS June 2011.
- Changing incidence of nevirapine-induced cutaneous drug reactions: After revised guideline Nov 2011. Indian J Sex Transm Dis. 2013 Jul;34(2):113-8. doi: 10.4103/0253-7184.120545. PMID:24339462 PMCID:PMC3841661
- Case report-“posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome” Indian Medical Gazette November 2011
- Article on “pearls in diabetes mellitus” in APGCON 2011 Sovenier 24-25 december 2011
- "Study of clinical and etiological profile of 100 patients of Pancytopenia" paper in an international journal “HEMATOLOGY.” Volume 17 No.2,March 2012. PMID 22664048
- Case report “Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia Masquerading as Eosinophilic Leukaemia” Indian medical gazette March 2012
- Diffuse Cutanous Leishmanisis- rare cutanous presentation in HIV patient. IJSTD & AIDS June 2012 .PMID:22529461
- Study of Immunization status and outcome of Diphtheria patients. Original article, Indian medical gazette march 2013
- Unsafe injection practices: A potential weapon for the outbreak of Blood Borne viruses in community.-Original article .Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research April-June 2013 Vol 3 Issue 2
- A clinic Hematologic profile of Dengue outbreak among healthcare professionals in a tertiary care hospital of Ahmedabad with analysis of economic impact.:-original article National Journal of community medicine volume 4 issue 2 April-June 2013
- Community level diabetes management through public private partnership initiative in Gujarat-results from changing diabetes Barometer, original article Journal of social health and Diabetes, vol 1 issue 2 July-Dec 2013
- Abstract supplement July 2013 issue Diabetes-American diabetes association .Title-Comparing Clinical Autonomic Neuropathy Grading with Newer Device ANSiscopeTM
- Efficacy & safety of Intravenous Ulinastatin versus Placebo along with Standard Supportive care in subjects with Mild or Severe Acute pancreatitis Original article JAPI August 2013 Vol 61
- Efficacy and safety of anti tuberculosis drugs in HIV positive patients A prospective study Research article Indian Journal of Pharmacology Oct 2013 vol 45 issue 5 447 .PMC 3793513
- Poster presentation on “correlation of Diabetic nephropathy with Diabetic Retinopathy “in American Association of clinical endocrinology conference (AACE 2013) at Phoenix USA
- Contributed a chapter in medicine update 2013 titled"Adult Immunization",chapter 101.
- NRTIs (ZDV and d4T) side effects in PLHAs attending the anti retroviral treatment center of B.J. medical college and civil hospital Ahmedabad, Gujarat India IJSTD and AIDS 2013, Vol 34, No. 2. PMID:24339470 PMC3841671
- Tenofovir induced Fanconi syndrome : A possible pharmacokinetic interaction. Indian Journal of Pharmacology. April 2013, vol 45, issue 2. PMID 23716900 PMC3660936
- Contributed a chapter in medicine update 2014 titled “Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome”
- A study of clinical profile of HIV positive patients with neurological manifestations. Journal: HIVAR. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp. z.o.o. on behalf of Polish AIDS Research Society.
- Efficacy and safety of Hydroxychloroquine in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Double Blind, Randomized Comparison with Pioglitazone current Medical Research & opinion 10.1185/03007995.2014.909393.
- Efficacy and safety of Hydroxychloroquine in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Double Blind, Randomized Comparison with Pioglitazone current Medical Research & opinion 10.1185/03007995.2014.909393.
- A Case of Miller Fischer variant of Guillain Barre syndrome, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2014 1 ISSN 2250-3153..
- Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in tertiary care hospital .International Journal of Scientific and research publications, volume 5, September 2014.
- A case of cerebral venous thrombosis in dengue patient. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2014.
- A rare case of Hypervitaminosis D presenting with hypertensive encephalopathy. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication. Volume4, Issue10, October 2014
- Are partners of HIV-infected people being tested for HIV? A mixed-methods research from Gujarat, India International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Health solutions for the poor Vol 7 No1 Published 21 March 2017
- “An evaluation of the impact of antidiabetic medication on treatment satisfaction and quality of life in patients of diabetes mellitus” accepted in "Perspectives in Clinical Research"
- Pregnancy outcome and glycemic control in women with type 1 diabetes: A retrospective comparison between CSII and MDI treatment
- Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Pubmed 23680243.Apr-Jun;7(2):68-71. doi: 10.1016/j.dsx.2013.02.032. Epub 2013 Mach 30
- Strengthening diabetes management at primary health level Editorial Indian journal of endocrinology and metabolism.year 2015, volume19. issue 4 page 443-44
- A study of utilization pattern, efficacy and safety of drugs prescribed for opportunistic infections in Human Immunodeficiency Virus infected patients, original article. International Journal of Medicine and Public Health | Jul-Sep 2014 | Vol 4 | Issue3
- Early outcome of second line antiretroviral therapy in treatment-experienced human immunodeficiency virus positive patients. 24312889 - PubMed. Perspect Clin Res. 2013 Oct;4(4):215-20. doi: 10.4103/2229-3485.120170.
- Diabetes in India: Measuring the dynamics of a public health catastrophe review article. Journal of social health & Diabetes Year : 2016 | Volume : 4 | Issue : 2 | Page : 77-84
- Are partners of HIV-infected people being tested for HIV?
- A mixed-methods research from Gujarat, India
- K. Selvaraj,1 A. M. V. Kumar,2,3 S. Chawla,4 K. S. Shringarpure,5 P. Thekkur,6 C. Palanivel,7
- P. B. Verma,8 A. N. Shah,9 K. N. Pandya,10 G. Roy,7 Z. Singh,1 B. B. Rewari,11 A. R. Dongre12
- VOL 7 NO 1 Public heath Action PUBLISHED 21 MARCH 2017
- Diabetes in India: Measuring the dynamics of a public health catastrophe
- Pranav Kumar Patnaik, Kamlesh K. Jain1, P. Chandra2, Jaya Pathak3, K. V. Raman4, Asha Shah5 http://www.joshd.net on Monday, May 1, 2017, IP:]
- An evaluation of the impact of antidiabetic medicationon treatment satisfaction and quality of life in patients of diabetes mellitus
- Richa Chaturvedi, Chetna Desai, Prakruti Patel, Asha Shah1, Ram K. Dikshit
- perspective in clinical research volume 9 issue 1,Jan-march 2018
- “SARS CoV-2 & COVID-19 Pandemic” review article
- GCSMC J Med Sci Vol (IX) No (II) July-December 2020.
- Clinical and epidemiological characterization ofsevere Plasmodium vivax malaria in Gujarat, India
- Published in Virulence, https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/kvir20
- Anupkumar R. Anvikar , Anna Maria van Eijk , Asha Shah , Kamlesh J.
- Upadhyay , Steven A. Sullivan , Ankita J. Patel , Jaykumar M. Joshi , Suchi
- Tyagi , Ranvir Singh , Jane M. Carlton , Himanshu Gupta & Samuel C.
- “Hypertension and Covid 19:A public health perspective”special issue on Covid 19 and NCDs.International journal of noncommunicable diseases,volume 5 issue 2 April-june 2020
- Alka Aggarwal singh,Asha shah ,JaiPrakash Narain
Speaker in State and National conferences:
- Speaker in National Conference on Hypertension – Jan. 93 on Hypertension & Emergency (brain)
- Delivered lecture in Ahmedabad Medical Association on “Management of type 2 Diabetes” on world diabetes day- 14th Nov 2007.
- Delivered lecture on Gestational Diabetes in RSSDI Gujarat chapter conference in Surat 20th April 2008.
- Delivered lecture in Ahmedabad Medical Association on “Management of type 2 Diabetes” on world diabetes day - 14th Nov 2007
- Delivered a lecture in NIOH organized by ICMR, Department of Health research, Ministry of health & Family welfare, Government of India. I delivered a lecture on ‘Execution & management of clinical trail.’on25th feb2011Speaker in APICON (Asso. of physicians of India)2012 at Coimbatore, India
- Speaker in National conference of Diabetes (DIPSI 2013) diabetes in pregnancy study group India and delivered a lecture on Anemia in pregnancy.
- Delivered lecture on “Hypertensive emergencies and urgency” in BPCON ,Annual conference of Indian society of hypertension 26-28 September 2014 in Ahmedabad
- Delivered lecture in APICON 2014 (Association of physicians of India)in Ludhiana, lecture on “Immune reconstitution Inflammatory syndrome”
- Delivered lecture at Conference by Association of Physician’s of Gujarat APGCON 2014 at Gotri Medical College on adult immunization
- A presentation on ‘DIABETES-from ivory tower to ground reality’ in DIACON 2015
- Speaker in APICON 2016 (Association of physicians of India)at Hyderabad, lecture on clinical utility of ferritin
- Delivered lecture in Association of physicians of Indian conference 2017in Jan 2017 in Mumbai on "Pyrexia of unknown origin, Physician's challenge”
- Delivered lecture on “Physical activity, sleep & psychosocial factors: what is new in 2017” in Diabetes India conference in New Delhi in Feb 2017
- Urinary Tract Infection and Dental Infection: Often Neglected—How to Prevent? Chapter 124 in Book RSSDI 19 update
- Delivered lecture in APICON 2023 27 th Jan” Micronutrient defeciancy in India and need for supplement”
- Diabetes india 2023 16 th April delivered a talk on “Snacking in Diabetes”
- National conference RSSDI Gujarat chapter delivered a talk “Diabetes in women,potential differences and amicable solutions”23 may 2023
- “COVID 19 – An Enigmatic Challenge”Article in covid 19 special issue in BJ Pharma.
Speaker in State and National conferences:
- GCP workshop organized by B.J.Medical college & civil hospital 20th September 2013.
- TOT on “Improving HIV program through the use of cohort data” New Delhi 25-28th march 2015 conducted by WHO,CDC and UCSF
- Training on Quality improvement program by Department of health & family welfare Govt. of Gujarat at Gandhinagar from 17th Feb to 19th Feb 2012
- Taken master training program organized by National AIDS control organization (NACO) at MAMC new Delhi from 15 Feb 2011 to 18 Feb 2011
- Trained in Workshop on “Good Clinical Practices” held on 23 Oct 2008 and Jan 2017 at NHL Municipal Medical College, conducted by Quintile Research Pvt. Limited.
- Training taken in “Advances in Diabetes” Conducted in Joslin diabetes center in 3rd International Symposium on diabetes 2008.
- Training taken in “NATIONAL INFORMATION CENTRE” Govt. of India Ministry of Communication & Information Technology on “Biomedical Information Retrieval for Experts”.
- Training taken on “Staged diabetes Management” conducted at International diabetes center in collaboration with WHO in 2005 Hyderabad.
- Trained on “Principles of Clinical Research and ICH-GCP Guidelines” held at Ahmedabad management of Association in July 2005.
- Trained on “CME on Scientific Research Methods & Medical Publications” held at B. J. Medical College on 15th Oct 2003.
- Trained in “Blood safety & Blood components” held on 2nd & 3rd Jan 2003 in B. J. Medical College.
- Trained in “How to get the most of your clinical research- Investigator’s perspective” workshop 10th to 11th Nov 2001 Mumbai, organized by Pharmacia.
Professional Memberships:
- Association of Physicians, Gujarat
- Association of Physicians, India
- Ahmedabad Medical Association
- Research Society of Diabetes, India