Dr. Anita Srinivasan

Dr. Anita Srinivasan
MD (Paediatrics), DM (Neonatology)
Clinical Experience, Skills and Abilities:
- She has experience in management and care of neonates for the last 5 years
- She has worked in delivery room, postnatal wards and in NICU taking care of neonates
- Experience in delivery room - Initial physical examination of neonates, care of the normal neonates, resuscitation of neonates in accordance with NRP guidelines, provision of early CPAP for patients with respiratory distress in delivery room itself, management of patients with congenital malformations
- Experience in post-natal ward-To examine babies with scientific approach and empathy, day-to-day management and counselling of parents for the common problems in the neonatal period
- Experienced in the provision of kangaroo mother care for low birth weight babies and management of lactation problems. I have worked in an institute with good human milk bank and I am familiar with working of milk bank and various procedures involved including collection, processing and storage of the human milk and the various equipment used
- Have experience in institute with good protocols of infection control and equipment maintenance and have helped to practice the same
- Have experience in ventilator management with both conventional ventilator and high-frequency ventilation
- Skilled in the provision of noninvasive respiratory support
- Can manage patients with surgical conditions like trachea-oesophageal fistula, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, intestinal obstruction etc. for preoperative stabilization and post-operative care
- Stabilization of patients with critical congenital heart disease prior to surgery
- Transport of critically ill neonates on multiple supports
- Have experience in provision of total parenteral nutrition kr. Clinical management of extremely low birth weight babies and extremely preterm babies
- Have worked with total body cooling system for therapeutic hypothermia in asphyxiated neonates, have worked with inhaled nitric oxide system for PPHN
- Have conducted developmental follow-up OPD for NICU graduates
- Have conducted OPD along with paediatric surgeons for antenatal counselling of parents with diagnosis of medical/surgical problems in fetus and helped in coordinating the care of such patients
- Proficient in various skills like endotracheal intubation, peripheral iv line placement, umbilical artery and vein catheterization, central line placement, exchange transfusions, lumbar punctures, surfactant administration etc. and have helped in training juniors in performing these tasks on an everyday basis
- Teaching of undergraduate students and postgraduate doctors
- Training of staff nurses and various support staff and ensured adherence to the NICU protocols
- Have participated in government programmes for training of doctors and nurses in peripheral hospitals
- Thorough in protocol-based management of various clinical conditions, based on scientific evidence
- Passed MD(Paediatrics) in first attempt from KEMGH &Seth G S Medical College, Parel, Mumbai - a tertiary care centre with 2000 beds and state-of-the-art NICU and paediatric care facilities. One of the most reputed Institute in India
- Passed MBBS from L.T Municipal Medical College, Sion, Mumbai which is one of the finest medical colleges in India
- Cleared All India Pre-PG exam (one of the most competitive exams in India) and got 33rd Rank
- Completed DM Neonatology from KEM hospital, which has 3 years of a very demanding and challenging course and have cleared the exams in first attempt
- After completing 3 years of residency in DM neonatology course, she has served a super-speciality medical officer for period of 1 year as a part of compulsory bond service in KEM hospital
Research Activity:
- 'Efficacy of enalapril in patients with congenital heart disease with left to right shunt' done as thesis
- Coordinator for multicentric study on 'comparison of pentavac versus hiberix vaccine' for 1 year
- Have done research on early versus late feeding regimen in preterm neonates with abnormal antenatal Doppler studies
- Have actively participated in various regional and national conferences as delegate